Dog Walking
When nature calls, I’ll be there. Just like people, dogs need consistent and regular exercise and stimulation. Keeping your dog on a schedule also ensures potty training skills don’t deteriorate – and you won’t come home to an accident.
And when you hire a professional trainer to walk your dog, good training habits such as sitting at the door, not pulling on leash, etc. are reinforced. As a certified professional dog trainer, I am also able to manage all types of temperments, breeds and sizes.
Typical dog walking visits are 15-30 minutes. During that time we walk, potty, play and make sure your dog has fresh water. Pets and love are included at no charge – I treat your dogs as if they are family.
Have peace of mind that your dog is cared for, even while you are away. I’m Pawsitive that I can help you.
Call for a free consultation.